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时间:2013-11-28 字体大小:
 11月3日至9日,宁波材料所磁性材料与机电装备事业部科研人员参加了第58届国际磁学及磁性材料会议。国际磁学及磁性材料年会(ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS)每年举办一届,迄今已举办58届,本次会议在美国丹佛举办。大会旨在交流国际磁学、磁性材料及器件、磁制冷材料、磁电子材料方向的进展。

本次会议上,刘剑研究员做了题为“effect of annealing on the structure and magnetic entropy change of Mn1.1Fe0.9P0.8Ge0.2 ribbons”的口头报告,在读博士生严长江做了题为“the evolution of coercivity and grain boundary chemistry of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet with Ce addition”的口头报告,陈仁杰研究员做了题为“Mechanism of Nd-Cu liquid phase diffusion in hot processed and hot deformation nanocomposite magnets”的墙报,刘壮副研究员做了题为“optimization of magnetic properties of sintered (SmGdDyPr)(Co, Fe,Co, Zr)z by liquid phase sintering”的墙报,郭帅博士做了题为“coercivity enhancement and element distribution of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet by chemical bath deposition”的墙报,在读硕士章晓峰做了题为“improvement of thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by intergranular additions of Dy82.3Co17.7”的墙报,介绍了在晶界扩散、高丰度稀土基永磁体制备、热压/热变形永磁体、低温度系数钐钴磁体以及磁致冷材料方向的科研进展。

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