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德国开姆尼茨工业大学Heidemarie Schmidt 教授到宁波材料所访问交流
时间:2015-09-08 字体大小:

        92日,德国开姆尼茨工业大学(Technical University Cheminitz, GermanyHeidemarie Schmidt 教授一行应邀到宁波材料所进行访问交流,并做了题为”Shaping a novel type of ferromagnetism in depleted transparent magnetic semiconductors with singly charged bound magnetic polaron centers”的报告。宁波材料所副所长李润伟研究员主持报告会。 

        Heidemarie Schmidt在报告中首先讲述了稀磁半导体以及相关理论,并指出可以通过减少稀磁半导体掺钴氧化性(ZnCoO)中的自由载流子浓度以稳定调控该材料的铁磁性能,在以ZnCoO制备的金属半导体场效应晶体管中,可以通过调节门电压以及磁场使器件在高、低阻态间相互转换,并提出此项研究有望应用在新型透明自旋电子存储器领域。 



        随后,其博士生Agnieszka Bogusz, Kefeng Li, Tiangui You, Nan Du分别介绍了YMnO3多晶/非晶薄膜中单极性电阻翻转效应;BiFeO3中的非易失电容翻转行为、忆阻行为以及神经突触可塑性仿生等相关领域的研究。 





H. Schmidt from Technical University Chemnitz has completed her Ph. D in semiconductor physics at the University Leipzig in 1999. Since 2003 she heads the “Nano-Spintronics” group and develops artificial synapses for cognitive computing, magnetic oxide film for transparent spintronics, and smart carriers for live science applications. H. Schmidt has published more than 160 papers in peer-reviewed journals and served as an advisory program committee member for the international workshops subtherm-2011, WSE-2014, and WSE-2015. She received the Nano-Future prize from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2002) and a Heisenberg Fellowship from the German Science foundation (2011). 

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