Tel: 0574-86669721
Email: linm@nimte.ac.cn
作为项目负责人,主持了宁波市自然科学基金、宁波市重大科技专项、中国空间技术研究院委托项目;参与了科技部国际合作、863重点、中科院院地合作等国家及企业项目。截至2016年底,已在JMMM、JAP、JAC、《微特电机》等国内外期刊上发表论文24篇,会议论文6篇;为IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, J. Alloys and Compounds和Surface Review and Letters杂志担任过审稿人;申请发明专利24项(13项已授权);参与编著2本。2016年作为团队负责人,“电永磁吸盘及控制系统”项目获得第五届中国创新创业大赛(宁波赛区)团队组二等奖和新材料行业总决赛团队组第二名。
1. Kun Pei, Xing Zhang , Min Lin*, Aru Yan, Effects of Ce-substitution on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Pr-Nd-Fe-B Melt-spun Powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 398(2016), 96-100
2. Kun Pei, Min Lin*, Aru Yan, Xing Zhang, Effects of Annealing Process on Magnetic Properties and Structure of Nd-Pr-Ce-Fe-B Melt-spun Powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 406(2016), 239-243
3. Min Lin*, Huijie Wang, Jingwu Zheng, Aru Yan,Effects of Fe fine powders doping on hot deformed NdFeB magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 379(2015), 90-94
4. Min Lin*, Huijie Wang, Pengpeng Yi, Aru Yan, Effects of excessive grain growth on the magnetic and mechanical properties of hot deformed NdFeB magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322 (2010) , 2268–2271
5. Jingwu Zheng, Min Lin*, Qingping Xia, A preparation method and effects of Al–Cr coating on NdFeB sintered magnets,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,324(2012), 3966-3969
6. 林旻*,张杰,闫阿儒,李东,高性能辐射取向环对圆柱型音圈电机的影响,微特电机,2013,41(4): 28-30
7. Pengpeng Yi, Min Lin, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Enhanced magnetic properties and bending strength of hot deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets with Cu additions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 491 (2010), 605–609
8. Huijie Wang, Min Lin, Binlai, Minggang Zhu, Wei Pan, Wei Li, Plastic deformation modeling of backward extrusion process for Nd–Fe–B ring magnets,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,324(2012) 1791-1794
9. Jingwu Zheng, Min Lin*, Qingping Xia, A preparation method and effects of Al–Crcoating on NdFeB sintered magnets,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,324(2012) 3966-3969
1、高性能辐向热压环及其制备方法 ZL 200710177080.8
2、一种真空热压机 ZL 200710307577.7
3、一种制造锰铝硬磁合金的方法 ZL 200810120875.X
4、一种多极磁环的制造方法 ZL 200910101105.5
5、一种各向异性稀土永磁材料的再生方法 ZL 201010108103.1
6、一种连续式液压成型设备及其自动控制方法 ZL 201110200436.1
7、 一种连续真空快淬设备及利用该设备进行金属快淬的方法 ZL 201410013612.4