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邮箱: chenling@nimte.ac.cn
2007年毕业于北京科技大学,获理学学士学位。硕博连读期间由北京科技大学和中国科学院物理研究所联合培养,研究方向为室温磁制冷材料的磁性和磁热效应,2013年1月毕业,获理学博士学位。同年进入中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所开展博士后工作。2017年1月至今,任中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所高级工程师。目前主要从事稀土永磁材料研究与产业化工作。累计主持和承担国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、宁波市科技重大专项、宁波市自然科学基金、企业技术开发项目等10项科研项目,并参与多项团队科研项目。在Appl. Phys. Lett.,Scr. Mater.,J. Alloy. Compd.等国际期刊发表学术论文24篇,参与撰写专著1部,申请国际PCT专利4项、国家发明专利11项。
1.Xuejing Cao, Ling Chen*, Shuai Guo, Fengchun Fan, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan*. Effect of rare earth content on TbF3 diffusion in sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by electrophoretic deposition. Scr. Mater, 2017, 131:24–28.
2.Xuejing Cao, Ling Chen*, Shuai Guo, Renjie Chen, Gaolin Yan, Aru Yan*. Impact of TbF3 diffusion on coercivity and microstructure in sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by electrophoretic deposition. Scr. Mater, 2016,116:40–43.
3.Chen L, Cao XJ, Guo S, Di JH, Ding GF, Yan CJ, Chen RJ, and Yan AR. Coercivity enhancement of Dy-free sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by grain refinement and induction heat treatment. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2015, 51(11): 2101403.
4.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Bao LF, Sun JR, Shen BG, Yin JH, and Pan LQ. Magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric properties involving strong metamagnetic behavior in Fe-doped Ni45(Co1-xFex)5Mn36.6In13.4 alloys. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 101:012401.
5.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Bao LF, Zheng XQ, Pan LQ, Yin JH, Sun JR, and Shen BG. Magnetic entropy change and transport properties in Ni45Co5Mn36.6In13.4 melt-spun ribbons. J. Alloy. Compd., 2013, 549:170-174.
6.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Zhao JL, Sun JR, Shen BG, Yin JH, and Pan LQ. Tuning martensitic transformation and magnetoresistance effect by low temperature annealing in Ni45Co5Mn36.6In13.4 alloys. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys., 2011, 44:085002.
7.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Shen J, Sun JR, Shen BG, Yin JH, Pan LQ, and Huang QZ. Effect of post-annealing on martensitic transformation and magnetocaloric effect in Ni45Co5Mn36.7In13.3 alloys. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 109:07A939.
8.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Shen J, Sun JR, Shen BG, Yin JH, and Pan LQ. Static and dynamic strain effects in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 thin films. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 109:07D713.
9.Chen L, Hu FX, Wang J, Shen J, Zhang J, Sun JR, Shen BG, Yin JH, and Pan LQ. Magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic alloys Ni45Co5Mn36.5In13.5. J. Appl. Phys., 2010, 107:09A940.
10.X.J. Cao, L. Chen, S. Guo, X.B. Li, P.P. Yi, A.R. Yan, and G.L. Yan. Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by efficiently diffusing DyF3 based on electrophoretic deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 631:315–320.
11.Cao XJ, Chen L, Guo S, Chen RJ, Yan GL, and Yan AR. Magnetic and microstructural properties of DyF3-coated sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by electrophoretic deposition. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2015, 51(11):2101804.
12.Hu FX, Chen L, Wang J, Bao LF, Sun JR, and Shen BG. Particle size dependent hysteresis loss in La0.7Ce0.3Fe11.6Si1.4C0.2 first-order systems. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 100:072403.
13.L. F. Bao, F. X. Hu, L. Chen, J. Wang, J. R. Sun, and B. G. Shen. Magnetocaloric properties of La(Fe,Si)13-based material and its hydride prepared by industrial mischmetal. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 101:162406.
14.Wang J, Hu FX, Chen L, Sun JR, and Shen BG. The investigation of reversible strain and polarization effect in (011)-La0.9Ba0.1MnO3 film using field effect configuration. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 109:07D715.
15.Hu FX, Wang J, Chen L, Zhao JL, Sun JR, and Shen BG. Effect of the introduction of H atoms on magnetic properties and magnetic entropy change in metamagnetic Heusler alloys Ni-Mn-In. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2009, 95:112503.
16.Zhao YY, Hu FX, Wang J, Chen L, Gao WW, Shen J, Sun JR, and Shen BG. Strain effect caused by substrates on phase separation and transport properties in Pr0.7(Ca0.8Sr0.2)0.3MnO3 thin films. J. Appl. Phys., 2012, 111:07D721.
17.Guangfei Ding, Shuai Guo, Ling Chen, Jinghui Di, jie song, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, Aru Yan. High-performance Dy-free sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets: magnetism modulation and structure optimization for grain boundaries, Acta Materialia (submitted).
18.Guangfei Ding, Shuai Guo, Ling Chen, Jinghui Di, Kan Chen, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, AruYan. Effects of the grain size on domain structure and thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets. Journal of Alloys and Compound (submitted).
19.Li XB, Liu S, Cao XJ, Zhou BB, Ling Chen, Yan AR and Yan GL. Effects of terbium sulfide addition on magnetic properties, microstructure, and thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25:077502.
20.Kan Chen, Shuai Guo, Xiaodong Fan, Guangfei Ding, Ling Chen, Renjie Chen, Don Lee andAru Yan. Coercivity enhancement of Ce-Fe-B sintered magnets by low-melting point intergranular additive. Journal of Rare Earth (accept).
21.Xiangbin Li, Shuo Liu, Xuejing Cao, Beibei Zhou, Ling Chen, Aru Yan, Gaolin Yan.
22.Coercivity and thermal stability improvement in sintered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets by intergranular addition of Dy-Mn alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 407:247-251.
23.Guangfei Ding, Shuai Guo, Lingwen Cai, Ling Chen, Jian Liu, Don Lee and Aru Yan. Study on Ultrafine-Grained Sintered Nd–Fe–B Magnets Produced From Jet-Milled HDDR Powders, IEEE Trans. Magn., 2015, 51(11): 2102304.
24.Guangfei Ding, Shuai Guo, Lingwen Cai, Ling Chen, Changjiang Yan, Don Lee and Aru Yan. Enhanced Thermal Stability of Nd–Fe–B Sintered Magnets by Intergranular Doping Y72Co28 Alloys, IEEE Trans. Magn., 2015, 51(11): 2100504.
25.Wang, H. J. Ma, Z. H. Sheng, S. F. Jin, W. Xu, M. Ferry, L. Chen, J. Q. Duan, and W. M. Wang. On the magnetic anisotropy in Fe78Si9B13 ingots and amorphous ribbons:Orientation aligning of Fe-based phases/clusters, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 015302.
申请(专利)号:201410006155.6 申请日期:2014年01月07日
申请(专利)号:201510922166.3 申请日期:2015年12月15日
PCT专利申请号:PCT/CN2014/091623 申请日期:2014年01月07日
4.La(Fe,Si)13-based magnetic refrigerants prepared based on industrial mischmetal, preparation method and uses thereof.
Inventors: L. Chen, F. X. Hu, J. Wang, L. F. Bao, Y. Y. Zhao, B. G. Shen, J. R. Sun, H. Y. Gong.
Patent Number: PCT/CN2012/078609 Date: 13 July, 2012 PCT国际专利
5.Bonded La(Fe,Si)13-based magnetocaloric materials, preparation method and uses thereof.
Inventors: F. X. Hu, L. Chen, L. F. Bao, J. Wang, B. G. Shen, J. R. Sun, H. Y. Gong.
Patent Number: PCT/CN2012/075662 Date: 17 May, 2012 PCT国际专利
6.La(Fe,Si)13-based first-order magnetocaloric materials with small hysteresis loss and it‘s preparation method and uses thereof.
Inventors: F. X. Hu, L. Chen, J. Wang, L. F. Bao, R. R. Wu, B. G. Shen, J. R. Sun, H. Y. Gong.
Patent Number: PCT/CN2012/083420 Date: 24 Oct, 2012 PCT国际专利
7.发明名称:稀土提纯中间产物制备的La(Fe,Si)13基磁性材料, 制备方法和用途.
发明(设计)人:陈岭, 胡凤霞, 王晶, 孙继荣, 沈保根.
申请(专利)号:CN2012102404439 申请日期:2012.07.11
发明(设计)人:陈岭, 胡凤霞, 王晶, 包立夫, 赵莹莹, 沈保根, 孙继荣.
申请(专利)号:CN 2012102395590 申请日期:2012.07.11
发明(设计)人:陈岭, 胡凤霞, 包立夫, 王晶, 孙继荣, 沈保根.
申请(专利)号:CN 2011103258755 申请日期:2011.10.24
发明(设计)人:胡凤霞, 陈岭, 包立夫, 王晶, 沈保根, 孙继荣.
申请(专利)号:CN 2011103741581 申请日期:2011.11.22
发明(设计)人:胡凤霞, 陈岭, 王晶, 孙继荣, 沈保根.
申请(专利)号:CN200910242650.6 申请日期:2009.12.14
公开(公告)号:CN102094145A 公开(公告)日:2011.06.15
发明(设计)人:丁广飞, 郭帅, 陈岭, 陈仁杰, 闫阿儒, 严长江, 王育平.
发明(设计)人:胡凤霞, 王晶, 陈岭, 沈保根, 孙继荣.
申请(专利)号:CN201010593484.7 申请日期: 2010.12.09
公开(公告)号:CN102544093A 公开(公告)日:2012.07.04
发明(设计)人:胡凤霞, 王晶, 陈岭, 沈保根, 孙继荣.
申请(专利)号:CN 201110009450.3 申请日期:2011.01.17
公开(公告)号:CN102593191A 公开(公告)日:2012.07.18
发明(设计)人:包立夫, 胡凤霞, 陈岭, 王晶, 武荣荣, 孙继荣, 沈保根.
申请(专利)号:CN 2012103697992 申请日期:2012.09.28