2014.09-至今, 研究员,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,宁波
1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金“非晶合金的功能特性”,2020年-2022年;
2. 国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项“高温高强高热稳定性块体非晶合金新材料与应用基础”项目,课题4负责人,2019年-2024年;
3. 宁波市2025重大科技专项“非晶合金研究”,2019年-2022年;
4. 国家自然科学基金国际交流项目"金属玻璃/聚合物双相复合材料的制备和性能研究",2018年-2019年;
5. 浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目"铁基超稳非晶合金的制备和软磁特性研究",2018-2021年;
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目"超稳铁基金属玻璃能量状态对软磁性能的影响及其物理机制研究",2018-2021年;
7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金"自旋玻璃和金属玻璃的玻璃转变动力学相似相异性研究",2016年-2018年;
8. 宁波市自然科学基金"非晶合金高效降解偶氮染料污水的机制研究",2015年-2016年。
在Advanced Functional Materials, PNAS, Acta Materialia, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Physical Review B/Materials, Applied Physics Letters等国际著名学术期刊发表论文70余篇。申请发明专利12项,参与编写专著2部。并担任Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials等杂志审稿人。
1. Song Ju, Jingqing Feng, Peng Zou, Wei Xu, Shunjie Wang, Weibo Gao, Huajun Qiu, Juntao Huo*, Jun-Qiang Wang*. Robust self-stabilized electrode based on Al-based metallic glasses for high-efficient hydrogen evolution reaction[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2020)3246-3251.
2. Jingqing Feng, Fengmei Li, Gang Wang, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Juntao Huo*. Magnetocaloric effect in ercu-based metallic glass composite[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 536(2020)120004.
3. L.J. Song, M. Gao, W. Xu, J.T. Huo*, J.Q. Wang**, R.W. Li, W.H. Wang, J.H.Perepezko. Inheritance from glass to liquid: β relaxation depresses the nucleation of crystals[J]. Acta Materialia, 185(2020)38-44.
4. YaRu Cao, LiJian Song, Ao Li, JunTao Huo, FuShan Li, Wei Xu*, and Jun-Qiang Wang*. Abnormal relaxation kinetics in D-mannitol glass confined by nanoporous alumina[J]. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(7)276113: 1-5.
5. Yimin Chen*, Rongping Wang**, Xiang Shen, Junqiang Wang, Tiefeng Xu. Understanding the complicated crystallization behaviors in GermaniumTellurides[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 531(2020)119862.
6. Nana He,Lijian Song, Wei Xu, Juntao Huo*, Jun-Qiang Wang**,Run-Wei Li. The evolution of relaxation modes during isothermal annealing and its influence on properties of Fe-based metallic glass[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 509(2019)95-98.
7. Haojie Zhang,Lijian Song,Wei Xu,Juntao Huo,Jun-Qiang Wang*. Correlations between the thermal properties and the electronegativity of soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys[J]. Intermetallics, 108(2019)61-65.
8. Ayan Yao, Hao Yang, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Wei Xu, Juntao Huo, Run-Wei Li, Huajun Qiu, Mingwei Chen. Flexible supercapacitor electrodes fabricated by dealloying nanocrystallized Al-Ni-Co-Y-Cu metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 772(2019)164-172.
9. Juntao Huo*, Jun-Qiang Wang**, Wei-Hua Wang. Denary high entropy metallic glass with large magnetocaloric effect[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 776(2019)202-206.
10. Fan Zhang, Yimin Chen*, Rongping Wang, Xiang Shen, Junqiang Wang**, and Tiefeng Xu. Study of glass transition kinetics of As2S3and As2Se3 by ultrafast differential scanning calorimetry[J]. Chinese Physics B, 28, 4 (2019))047802:1-4.
11. Yimin Chen, Rongping Wang*, Xiang Shen*, Junqiang Wang*, and Tiefeng Xu. New Methods Versus Old Questions: Crystallization Kinetics of S, Se, and Te[J]. Crystal Growth & Design, 19(2019)1103?1110.
12. Jierong Gu, Yimin Chen*, Qian Zhang, Guoxiang Wang, Rongping Wang*, Xiang Shen*, Junqiang Wang*, and Tiefeng Xu. Crystallization kinetics with fragile-to-strong crossover in Zn-Sb-Te supercooled phase-change liquids[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 115, 091903 (2019).
13. Bin Chen, Yimin Chen, Keyuan Ding, Kunlong Li, Fangying Jiao, Lei Wang, Xierong Zeng, Junqiang Wang, Xiang Shen, Wei Zhang, Feng Rao*, and Evan Ma. Kinetics features conducive to cache-type non-volatile phase-change memory[J]. Chemistry of Materials, 31, 21(2019)8794-8800.
14. Peng Du, Yuren Wen, Fu-Kuo Chiang, Ayan Yao, Junqiang Wang, Jianli Kang, Luyang Chen, Guoqiang Xie, Xingjun Liu*, and Hua-Jun Qiu**. Corrosion Engineering to Synthesize Ultra-Small and Monodisperse Alloy Nanoparticles Stabilized in Ultrathin Cobalt (Oxy)hydroxide for Enhanced Electrocatalysis[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 16(2019)14745-14752.
15. Yimin Chen, Hongbo Pan, Sen Mu, Guoxiang Wang, Rongping Wang*, Xiang Shen**, Junqiang Wang, Shixun Dai, Tiefeng Xu. Intermediate crystallization kinetics in Germanium-Tellurides[J]. Acta Materialia, 164(2019)473-480.
16. Mingliang Wu, Baosen Hou, Shengcheng Shu, Ao Li, Qi Geng, He Li, Yumeng Shi, Minghui Yang, Shiyu Du, Jun-Qiang Wang, Shuzhi Liao*, Nan Jiang, Dan Dai* and Cheng-T e Lin*. High Oxidation Resistance of CVD Graphene-Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites[J]. Nanomaterials, 9(2019)498-506.
17. H.-J. Qiu*, J. J. Gao, F.-K. Chiang, Y. R. Wen*, A. Y. Yao, P. Du, G. Fang, J. Q. Wang* and X. J. Liu*. A general and scalable approach to produce nanoporous alloy nanowires with rugged ligaments for enhanced electrocatalysis[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(2018)12541-12550.
18. Wei Sheng, Jun-Qiang Wang, Gang Wang, Juntao Huo*, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li. Amorphous microwires of high entropy alloys with large magnetocaloric effect[J]. Intermetallics, 96(2018)79-83.
19. Lijian Song, Wei Xu, Juntao Huo, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Xinmin Wang, Runwei Li. Two-step relaxations in metallic glasses during isothermal annealing[J]. Intermetallics, 93(2018)101-105.
20. S. Ouyang, L. J. Song, Y. H. Liu, J. T. Huo*, J. Q. Wang**, W. Xu, J. L. Li, C. T. Wang, X. M. Wang, R. -W. Li, Correlation between the viscoelastic heterogeneity and the domain wall motion of Fe-based metallic glass[J], P. R. Mater., 2, 063601 (2018).
21. L.J. Zhu, Z.H. Zhang, X.X. Ke*, J.Q. Wang, J. Perepezko, M.L. Sui, WO2 triggered nucleation and growth of ultra-longW18O49 structures, from nanobundles to single-crystalline microrod[J], Acta Mater., 148 (2018) 55-62.
22. M.C. Ri, D.W. Ding*, B.A. Sun, J.Q. Wang, X.S. Zhu, B.B. Wang, T.L. Wangc, Q.Q. Qiu, L.S. Huo, W.H. Wang, Stress effects on magnetic property of Fe-based metallic glasses[J], J Non-cryst Solids, 495 (2018) 54-58.
23. H.-J. Qiu*, J. J. Gao, Y. R. Wen*, B. Shang, J. Q. Wang*, X. Lin*, Y. Wang*, Platinum Cluster/Nanoparticle on CoO Nanosheets with Coupled Atomic Structure and High Electrocatalytic Durability[J], ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 1(2018)1840-1845.
24. L.J. Song, J.Z. Bi, R. Li, W. Xu**, J.T. Huo, J.Q. Wang*, X.M. Wang. Influence of Cu addition on the glass transition behavior of LaCe-based metallic glasses[J]. Intermetallics, 94 (2018) 38-41.
25. J.T. Huo, Q. Luo, J.-Q. Wang*, W. Xu, X.M. Wang, R.-W. Li, H.-B. Yu**, Nonlinear fragile-to-strong transition in a magnetic glass system driven by magnetic field[J], AIP Adv., 7 (2017)125014.
26. Y.M. Chen, G.X. Wang, L.J. Song, X. Shen*, J.-Q. Wang**, J.T. Huo, R.P. Wang, T.F. Xu, S.X. Dai, Q.H. Nie. Unraveling the Crystallization Kinetics of Supercooled Liquid GeTe by Ultrafast Calorimetry[J]. Cryst. Growth Des. 17(2017)3687?3693.
27. P.P. Wang, J.-Q. Wang*, J.T. Huo, W. Xu , X.M. Wang, G. Wang, Fast degradation of azo dye by nanocrystallized Fe-based alloys[J]. Sci. China Phys. Mech. 60(2017)076112.
28. J.-Q .Wang*, S. Ouyang. Extended elastic model for flow of metallic glasses[J]. Acta Physica Sinica.17(2017)176102.
29. S. Ouyang, L.S. Huo, Y. Yang*, W. Xu, J.T. Huo, J.-Q. Wang**, X.M. Wang, R.-W. Li. Chemical independent relaxation in metallic glasses from the nanoindentation experiments[J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121, 245104 (IF:2.068)
30. H. Yang, H.J. Qiu, J-Q. Wang*, J.T. Huo, X.M. Wang, R-W.Li, J.G. Wang**. Nanoporous metal/metal-oxide composite prepared by one-step de-alloying AlNiCoYCu metallic glasses[J]. J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 703(5):461-465. (IF:3.014)
31. P.P.Wang, J-Q. Wang*, He Li, H. Yang, J.T. Huo, J.G. Wang, C.T.Chang, X.M.Wang, R-W. Li, G.Wang*. Fast decolorization of azo dyes in both alkaline and acidic solutions by Al-based metallic glasses[J]. J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 701(15):759-767. (IF:3.014)
32. Jiawei Li, Lijing Yang, Haoran Ma, Kemin Jiang, Chuntao Chang, Junqiang Wang*, Zhenlun Song, Xinmin Wang, RunWei Li, Improved corrosion resistance of novel Fe-based amorphous alloys, Materials & Design, 95 (2016) 225-230.
33. Junqiang Wang, Y Shen, J.H. Perepezko, M.D. Ediger. Increasing the kinetic stability of bulk metallic glasses [J]. Acta Materialia,104, 25-32 (2016).
34. Junqiang Wang, J. H. Perepezko. Focus: Nucleation kinetics of shear bands in metallic glass[J]. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 211803 (2016).
35. Xiao Li, Huajun Qiu*, Junqiang Wang, Yi Wang. Corrosion of ternary Mn–Cu–Au to nanoporous Au–Cu with widely tuned Au/Cu ratio for electrocatalyst. Corrosion Science,106, 55-60 (2016)
36. Jiaojiao Gao, Guiping Zhou, Huajun Qiu*, Yi Wang*, Junqiang Wang*. Dealloying monolithic Pt-Cu alloy to wire-like nanoporous structure for electrocatalysis and electrochemical sensing[J]. Corrosion Science, 108(2016)194-199.
37. Huo L S, Wang J Q, Huo J T, et al. Interactions of Shear Bands in a Ductile Metallic Glass[J]. Journal of Iron & Steel Research International, 2016, 23(1):48-52. IF=0.675
38. Wang J Q, Shen Y, Perepezko J H, et al. Increasing the kinetic stability of bulk metallic glasses[J]. Acta Materialia, 2016, 104:25-32. IF=4.465
39. M. Zhu, J.Q. Wang, J.H. Perepezko, L. Yu*, Possible existence of two amorphous phases of D-mannitol related by a first-order transition, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 244504 (2015). IF=3.0
40. J.W. Li, J.Y. Law, J.T. Huo, A.N. He, Q.K. Man, C.T. Chang, H. Men*, J.Q. Wang, X.M. Wang, R.W. Li, Magnetocaloric effect of Fe–RE–B–Nb (RE = Tb, Ho or Tm) bulk metallic glasses with high glass-forming ability. J. Alloys Comp. 644, 346-349 (2015). IF=3.0
41. H.J. Qiu, X. Shen, J.Q. Wang, A. Hirata, T. Fujita, Y. Wang*, M.W. Chen*, Aligned Nanoporous Pt?Cu Bimetallic Microwires with High Catalytic Activity toward Methanol Electrooxidation, ACS Catalysis 5, 3779 (2015). IF=9.3
42. H.J. Qiu, J.Q. Wang*, P. Liu, Y. Wang*, M.W. Chen*, Hierarchical nanoporous metal/metal-oxide composite by dealloying metallic glass for high-performance energy storage, Corrosion Science 96, 196 (2015). IF=4.4
43. H.J. Qiu, H.T. Xu, X. Li, J.Q. Wang*, Y. Wang*, Core–shell-structured nanoporous PtCu with high Cu content and enhanced catalytic performance, J. Mater. Chem. A 3, 7939 (2015). IF=7.4
44. J.T. Huo, L.S. Huo, J.W. Li, H. Men, X.M. Wang, A. Inoue, C.T. Chang*, J.Q. Wang*, R.W. Li, High-entropy bulk metallic glasses as promising magnetic refrigerants, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 073902 (2015). IF=2.2
45. J.H. Perepezko*, T.W. Glendenning and J.Q. Wang, Nanocalorimetry measurements of metastable states, Thermochimica Acta,603, 24 (2015). IF=2.2
46. J.T. Huo, L.S. Huo, H. Men, X.M. Wang, A. Inoue, J.Q. Wang, C.T. Chang, R.W. Li, The magnetocaloric effect of Gd-Tb-Dy-Al-M (M= Fe, Co, Ni) high-entropy bulk metallic glasses, Intermetallics 58, 31-35 (2015). IF=2.1
47. H.X. Chang, J.L. Kang, L.Y. Chen, J.Q. Wang, K. Ohmura, N. Chen, T. Fujita, H. Wu, M.W. Chen, Low-temperature solution-processable Ni(OH)2 ultrathin nanosheet/ N-graphene nanohybrids for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Nanoscale6, 5960 (2014). IF=7.4
48. J.Q. Wang, N. Chen, P. Liu, Z. Wang, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, M.W. Chen and J.H. Perepezko, The ultrastable kinetic behavior of an Au-based nanoglass, Acta Mater. 79, 30-36 (2014). IF=4.5
49. 王军强,金属玻璃的功能性应用及相关基础研究,中国材料进展(Materials China)33(5), 270 (2014)。
50. J. H. Perepezko, S.D. Imhoff, M.W. Chen, J.Q. Wang and S. Gonzalez, Nucleation of shear bands in amorphous alloys, PNAS 111, 3938 (2014). IF=9.7
51. J.H. Perepezko, C. Santhaweesuk, J.Q. Wang and S.D. Imhoff, Kinetic competition during glass formation, J. Alloy Comp. 615, S192 (2014). IF=3
52. H.J. Yu#, J.Q. Wang#,*, X.T. Shi, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, H.K. Wu, and J.H. Perepezko, Ductile biodegradable Mg-based metallic glasses with excellent biocompatibility, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 4793 (2013). (*corresponding author, #equal contribution). IF=11.8
53. E. Fazakas*, J.Q. Wang, V. Zadorozhnyy, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin and L.K. Varga, Microstructural evolution and corrosion behavior of Al25Ti25Ga25Be25 equi-molar composition alloy, Mater. Corro. 65(7), 691 (2014). IF=1.4
54. A. Takeuchi*, J.Q. Wang, N. Chen, W. Zhang, Y. Yokoyama, K. Yubuta and S.L. Zhu, Al0.5TiZrPdCuNi High-Entropy (H-E) Alloy Developed through TiZrPdCuNi H-E Glassy Alloy Comprising Inter-Transition Metals, Mater. Trans. JIM 54(5), 776-782 (2013). IF=0.59
55. J.Q. Wang*, Y.H. Liu, M.W. Chen, D.V. Louzguine, A. Inoue & J.H. Perepezko, Excellent capability in degrading azo dyes by MgZn-based metallic glass powders, Sci. Rep. 2, 418 (2012). IF=5.6 [Highlighted by Nature Asia: http://www.natureasia.com/ja-jp/srep/abstracts/37412] [Highlighted by WPI-AIMR: http://research.wpi-aimr.tohoku.ac.jp/eng/research/702]
56. J.Q. Wang*, Y.H. Liu*, M.W. Chen, G.Q. Xie, D.V. Louzguine, A. Inoue and J.H. Perepezko, Rapid degradation of azo dye by Fe-based metallic glass powders, Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 2567 (2012). IF=11.8
57. J.Q. Wang, Y.H. Liu, S. Imhoff, N. Chen, D.V. Louzguine, A. Takeuchi, M.W. Chen, H. Kato, J.H. Perepezko* and A. Inoue, Enhance the thermal stability and glass forming ability of Al-based metallic glass by Ca minor-alloying, Intermetallics 29, 35 (2012). IF=2.1
58. J. Kang*, K. Qing, H. Zhang, A. Hirata, J.Q. Wang, M. Chen, N. Zhao, R. Sun, T. Fujita, C. Shi, Z. Qiao*, Direct synthesis of fullerene-intercalated porous carbon nanofibers by chemical vapor deposition, Carbon 50, 5162 (2012). IF=6.2
59. D. Wang, K. Nakajima*, S. Fujinami, Y. Shibasaki, J.Q. Wang and T. Nishi, Characterization of morphology and mechanical properties of block copolymers using atomic force microscopy: Effects of processing conditions, Polymer 53, 1960 (2012). IF=3.6
60. D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin*, G.Q. Xie, S. Gonzales, J.Q. Wang, K. Nakayama, J.H. Perepezko and A. Inoue, Nano-crystallization behavior of ZrCuAl bulk glass-forming alloy, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358, 145 (2012). IF=1.8
61. M.B. Tang*, J. Yi, J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang and J.T. Zhao, Low expansion in [(Fe0.9Co0.1)0.72B0.24Nb0.04]95.5Y4.5 bulk metallic glass, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358, 470 (2012). IF=1.8
62. J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang*, Y.H. Liu and H.Y. Bai*, Characterization of activation energy for flow in metallic glasses, Phys. Rev. B83, 012201 (2011). IF=3.7
63. J.Q. Wang, J.Y. Qin, X.N. Gu, Y.F. Zheng and H.Y. Bai*, Bulk metallic glasses based on ytterbium and calcium, J. Non-cryst. Solids 357, 1232 (2011). IF=1.8
64. J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang and H.Y. Bai*, Extended elastic model for flow in metallic glasses, J. Non-cryst. Solids 357, 223 (2011). IF=1.8
65. J.Q. Wang, W. H. Wang and H. Y. Bai*, Distinguish bonding characteristic in metallic glasses by correlations, J. Non-cryst. Solids 357, 220 (2011). IF=1.8
66. N. Chen, F. Frank, N. Asao, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin*, P. Sharma, J.Q. Wang, et al., Formation and properties of Au-based nanograined metallic glasses, Acta Mater. 59, 6433 (2011). IF=4.5
67. X.K. Xi*, M.T. Sandor, H.J. Wang, J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang and Y. Wu, Bonding characters of Al-containing bulk metallic glasses studied by Al-27 NMR, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 115501 (2011). IF=2.4
68. M.T. Sandor, X.K. Xi, J.Q. Wang, H.Y. Bai, W.H. Wang and Y. Wu*, Probing local magnetic cluster development in (CuZr)93-xAl7Gdx bulk metallic glasses by 27Al NMR, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 173 (2012). IF=2
69. X.N. Gu, Y.F. Zheng*, S.P. Zhong, T.F. Xi, J.Q. Wang and W. H. Wang, Corrosion of, and cellular response to Mg-Zn-Ca bulk metallic glasses, Biomaterials 31, 1093 (2069. 10). IF=7.4
70. M.B. Tang*, J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang, L. Xia, K.C. Chan and J.T. Zhao, Valence fluctuation and electron-phonon coupling in La-Ce-Al-Cu-Co metallic glasses, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 033525 (2010). IF=2.2
71. J.F. Li, J.Q. Wang, X.F. Liu, K. Zhao, B. Zhang, H.Y. Bai, M.X. Pan and W.H. Wang*, Glassy metallic plastics, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 53, 409 (2010). IF=1.1
72. J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang, H.B. Yu and H.Y. Bai*, Correlations between elastic moduli and molar volume in metallic glasses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 121904 (2009). IF=3.3
73. J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang and H.Y. Bai*, Soft ytterbium-based bulk metallic glasses with strong liquid characteristic by design, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 041910 (2009). IF=3.3
74. J.Q. Wang and H.Y. Bai*, High-pressure behaviors of Yb-based bulk metallic glasses, Scripta Mater. 61, 453 (2009). IF=3.2
75. J.Q. Wang, W.H. Wang and H.Y. Bai*, Kondo effect in metallic glasses with non-Fermi liquid behavior, http://arxiv.org/abs/1006.3826.
76. J.Q. Wang, P. Yu and H.Y. Bai*, Minor addition induced enhancement of strength of Mg-based bulk metallic glass, J. Non-cryst. Solids 354, 5440 (2008).IF=1.8
77. 王军强,利用机械能守恒对伽利略摆进行力学分析,中学物理21(15),26(2003)
1. 冯静清, 鞠嵩, 邹鹏, 王军强, 霍军涛. 一种非晶合金材料、其制备方法和应用: 中国发明专利, 202010028393.2[P]. 2020-01-10.
2. 曹亚茹, 王军强, 许巍, 霍军涛. 一种纳米受限体系及其模板与制备方法: 中国发明专利, 202010027892.X[P]. 2020-01-10.
3. 许巍, 王军强, 李傲, 霍军涛, 宋丽建. 一种用于高温核磁共振系统的激光加热方法和装置: 中国发明专利, 201911320459.9[P]. 2019-12-19.
4. 霍军涛, 冯静清, 王军强. 一种不含Fe、Co、Ni的非晶复合材料及其制备方法和应用: 中国发明专利, 201911301937.1[P]. 2019-12-17.
5. 霍军涛, 王军强, 李润伟. 一种高熵非晶合金、其制备方法及应用: 中国发明专利, 201811227003.3[P]. 2018-10-22.
6. 霍军涛, 盛威, 王军强. 一种室温磁制冷丝网材料及其制备方法和应用: 中国发明专利, 201811101568.7[P]. 2018-09-20. (已授权)。
7. 何娜娜, 王军强, 霍军涛, 许巍, 李润伟. 一种非晶合金的热处理方法: 中国发明专利, 201810310296.5[P]. 2018-04-09. (已授权)。
8. 姚阿艳, 王军强, 霍军涛, 许巍, 李润伟. 一种柔性纳米多孔金属/氧化物超级电容器电极材料及其制备方法: 中国发明专利, 201810249448.5[P]. 2018-03-23. (已授权)。
9. 霍军涛, 周强, 常春涛, 周远, 王军强, 王俊杰. 一种高频脉冲管制冷机用低温蓄冷材料及其制备方法: 中国发明专利, 201510106273.9[P]. 2015-03-11. (已授权)。
10. 易军, 王军强, 赵德乾, 潘明祥, 白海洋, 汪卫华. 金属玻璃微纳米纤维的制备仪器和方法: 中国发明专利, ZL201010241012.5[P]. (已授权)。
11. 王军强, 白海洋, 汪卫华, 赵德乾, 潘明祥. 镱基块体金属玻璃及其制备方法: 中国发明专利, ZL200810227095.5[P]. (已授权)。
12. J.Q. Wang, Y.H. Liu, M.W. Chen, G.Q. Xie, D.V. Louzguine, A. Inoue, J.H. Perepezko, Degrading the azo dyes in polluted water by metallic glasses powders, Japan application no. 2012-175393(已授权)。