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2001.07-2005.07:天津大学,应用物理专业 (电子信息工程双学位),本科生;
1.Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan, B. M. Wang, H. H. Li, Y. Z. Wu, B. Chen, D. D. Sun, S. N. Mao, R.-W. Li. Modulation of Magnetic Anisotropy in Flexible Multiferroic FeGa/PVDF Heterostructures under Various Strains. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (In-Press) (2015).
2.Yiwei Liu, B. M. Wang, Q. F. Zhan, Z. H. Tang, H. L. Yang, G. Liu, Z. H. Zuo, X. S. Zhang, X. L. Xie, X. J. Zhu, B. Chen, J. L. Wang and R. -W. Li. Positive temperature coefficient of magnetic anisotropy in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF);-based magnetic composites. Scientific Reports4, 6615 (2014).
3.Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan, G. H. Dai, X. S. Zhang, B. M. Wang, G. Liu,Z. H. Zuo, X. Rong, H. L. Yang, X. J. Zhu, X. L. Xie, B. Chen & R. -W. Li. Thermally assisted electric field control of magnetism in flexible multiferroic heterostructures. Scientific Reports 4, 6925 (2014).
4.Yiwei Liu, R. Yang, H. L. Yang, D. M. Wang, Q. F. Zhan, G. Y. Zhang, X. L. Xie, B. Chen, and R. -W. Li. Anomalous anisotropic magnetoresistance effects in graphene. AIP Advances 4, 097101 (2014).
5.Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan, and R. -W. Li. Fabrication, properties, and applications of flexible magnetic films. Chinese Physics B 22, 127502(2013). [Invited review]
6.Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, H. L. Yang, X. L. Xie, K. Sadhana, B. Chen,Q. F. Zhan,and R. -W. Li. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in epitaxial La0.67(Ca1-xSrx)0.33MnO3 films. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C722 (2013).
7.Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, H. L. Yang, T. Zou, X. L. Xie, B. Chen, Y. Sun, Q. F. Zhan and R. -W. Li. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La0.67(Ca1-xSrx)0.33MnO3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 245001 (2012).
8.Huali Yang, Baomin Wang, Yiwei Liu, Zhihuan Yang, Xiaojian Zhu, Yali Xie, Zhenghu Zuo, Bin Chen, Qingfeng Zhan, Junling Wang, Run-Wei Li, Unusual anisotropic magnetoresistance in charge-orbital ordered Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 polycrystals, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 234505 (2014).
9.Y. L. Xie, Q. F. Zhan, Yiwei Liu, G. H. Dai, H. L. Yang, Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, B. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Rong, and R. -W. Li. Electric-field control of magnetic anisotropy in Fe81Ga19/ BaTiO3 heterostructure films. AIP Advances 4, 117113 (2014).
10.Z. H. Yang, Q. F. Zhan, X. J. Zhu, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, B. L. Hu, J. Shang, L. Pan, B. Chen and R. -W. Li. Tunneling magnetoresistance induced by controllable formation of Co filaments in resistive switching Co/ZnO/Fe structures. Europhysics Letters 108, 58004 (2014).
11.Z. H. Tang,B. M. Wang, H. L. Yang, X. Y. Xu, Yiwei Liu, D. D. Sun, L. X. Xia, Q. F. Zhan, B. Chen, M. H. Tang,Y. C. Zhou, J. L. Wang, and R. -W. Li.Magneto-mechanical coupling effect in amorphous Co40Fe40B20 films grown on flexible substrates. Applied Physics Letters 105, 103504 (2014).
12.G. H. Dai, Q. F. Zhan, H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, X. S. Zhang, Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, and R. -W. Li. Controllable strain-induced uniaxial anisotropy of Fe81Ga19 films deposited on flexible bowed-substrates. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 173913 (2013).
13.H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, and R. -W. Li. Progress on anisotropy magnetoresistance effect in perovskite manganites. SPIN 2,1230004(2013). [Invited review]
14.X. L. Xie, H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, B. Chen, Z. H. Zuo, K. Sadhana, Q. F. Zhan, and R. -W. Li.Strain induced tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 /BaTiO3 heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C716 (2013).
15.X. S. Zhang, Q. F. Zhan, G. H. Dai, Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Zuo, H. L. Yang, B. Chen, and R.-W. Li. Effect of mechanical strain on magnetic properties of flexible exchange biased FeGa/IrMn heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters 102, 022412 (2013).
16.X. J. Zhu, C. S. Ong, X. X. Xu, B. L. Hu, J. Shang, H. L. Yang, K. Sadhana, Yiwei Liu, X. X. Chen, L. Pan, J. Ding and R. -W. Li. Direct observation of lithium-ion transport under an electrical field in LixCoO2 nanograins. Scientific Reports 3, 1084 (2013).
17.Z. H. Zuo, Q. F. Zhan, G. H. Dai, B. Chen, X. S. Zhang,H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, and R. -W. Li.In-plane anisotropic converse magnetoelectric coupling effect in FeGa/polyvinylidene fluoride heterostructure films. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C705 (2013).
18.K. Sadhana, S. R. Murthy, J. Shang, X. L. Xie, Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan, and R. -W. Li. Magnetic field induced polarization and magnetoelectric effect of Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO3-Ni0.2Cu0.3Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanomultiferroic. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C731 (2013).
19.X. J. Zhu , W. J. Su , Yiwei Liu , B. L. Hu , L. Pan , W. Lu , J. D. Zhang , and R.-W. Li. Observation of Conductance Quantization in Oxide-Based Resistive Switching Memory. Advanced Materials 24, 3941 (2012).
20.Bin Chen, Zhenghu Zuo, Yiwei Liu, Qing-Feng Zhan, Yali Xie, Huali Yang, Guohong Dai, Zhixiang Li, Gaojie Xu, and Run-Wei Li. Tunable photovoltaic effects in transparent Pb(Zr0.53,Ti0.47)O3 capacitors. Applied Physics Letters 100 193703 (2012).
21.Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, Q. F. Zhan, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, Z. X. Li, G. J. Xu, and R. -W. Li. Preparation and ferroelectric properties of freestanding Pb(Zr,Ti);O3 thin membranes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 185302 (2012).
22.G. H. Dai, Q. F. Zhan, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, X. S. Zhang, B. Chen and R. -W. Li. Mechanically tunable magnetic properties of Fe81Ga19 films grown on flexible substrates. Applied Physics Letters 100, 122407 (2012).
23.C. Zou, B. Chen, Z. J. Zhu, Z. H. Zuo,Y. W. Liu,Y. F. Chen, Q. F. Zhan, and R. W. Li. Local leakage current behaviours of BiFeO3 films. Chinese Physics B. 20.117701(2011)
24.Q. W. Tian, M. H. Tang, F. Jiang, Y. W. Liu, J. Wu, R. J. Zou, Y. Sun, Z. G. Chen, R. -W. Li and J. Q. Hu, Large-scaled star-shaped α-MnS nanocrystals with novel magnetic properties. Chemical Communications 47,8100.(2011).
25.X. J. Zhu, F. Zhuge, Mi Li, K. Yin, Y. W. Liu,Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen and R. -W. Li. Microstructure dependence of leakage and resistive switching behaviours in Ce-doped BiFeO3 thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44.415104.(2011).
26.F. Zhuge, S.S. Peng, C. He, X. J. Zhu, X. X. Chen, Y. W. Liu and R. -W. Li, Improvement of resistive switching in Cu/ZnO/Pt sandwiches by weakening the randomicity of the formation/rupture of Cu filaments, Nanotechnology.22,275204.(2011).
27.B. Chen, M. Li, Y. W. Liu, Z. H. Zuo, F. Zhuge, Q. F. Zhan and R. -W. Li. Effect of top electrodes on photovoltaic properties of polycrystalline BiFeO3 based thin film capacitors. Nanotechology. 22,195201.(2011).
28.F. Zhuge, W. Dai, C.L. He, A.Y. Wang, Y.W. Liu, M. Li, Y.H. Wu, P. Cui, and R. -W. Li. Nonvolatile resistive switching memory based on amorphous carbon. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 163505(2010).
29.K. Yin, M. Li, Y. W. Liu, C. He, F. Zhuge, B. Chen, W. Lu,X. Pan, and R. -W. Li,Resistance switching in polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 97,042101(2010).
30.M. Li, F. Zhuge, X. J. Zhu, K. Yin, J. Wang, Y. W. Liu, C. He, B. Chen and R. -W. Li, Nonvolatile resistive switching in metal/La-doped BiFeO3/Pt sandwiches. Nanotechnology, 21,425202(2010).
2.刘宜伟,李润伟,王保敏,詹清峰, 一种具有正磁各向异性温度系数的磁性薄膜的制备方法,申请号:201410301158.2。(实质审查中)
12.谢亚丽,刘宜伟,李润伟,詹清峰,一种柔性多铁性器件,申请号:201310182434.3。 (实质审查中)
14.李润伟,杨智唤,詹清峰,朱小健,刘宜伟, 一种磁性隧道结的制备方法,申请号:201310148652.5。(已授权)
16.李润伟,左正笏,陈斌,刘宜伟,朱小健,杨华礼, 一种自支撑多铁性复合薄膜的制备方法,申请号:201110086403.9。(已授权)
17.李润伟,尹奎波,刘宜伟,李蜜,陈斌, 基于铁酸铋薄膜体系的电阻式随机存储器及其制备方法,申请号:200910099716.0。(已授权)