2020.07-至今, 研究员,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,宁波
1. 日本学术振兴会重大项目“人工制造含L10有序相的新世代无稀土磁铁的研究和开发”,2017-2022年;
2. 日本NEDO的能源和环境的新技术领先项目“人工L10-FeNi无稀土磁铁的基础物性的明解”,2017-2018;
3. 日本学术振兴会青年基金“高磁感应强度低铁损FeCoSiBPCu软磁性材料的研制”,2015-2018年;
4. 日本文部科学重大科学研究项目“送电损失的抑制和力失的大幅减低新纳米结晶软磁性材料的开发”,2012-2017年;
5. 日本学术振兴会创新研究基金“纳米结晶组织化的节能的环境负荷型Fe基硬磁性合金的创制”,2013-2015年;
6. 日本学术振兴会基金“具有自己组织化高强度高韧性Fe基大块?异质金属玻璃的创制”,2011-2014年;
7. 日本学术振兴会项目“Fabrication of core material with low core loss compact by spark plasma sintering”,2011-2012年;
8. 日本学术振兴会项目“Fabrication of Fe-rich Fe-Si-B-P-Cu nanocrystalline alloy compact by spark plasma sintering”,2010-2011年;
9. 日本学术振兴会项目“Spark plasma sintered Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy with high Fe concentration”,2009-2010年;
10. 与日本村田制作所的共同研究项目“非晶及纳米晶结构的软磁性金属粉末的研究”,2013-2015年;
11. 与日本松下电器产业株式会社的共同研究项目“纳米晶软磁材料实用化相关的应用研究”,2014-2015年;
12. 与住友电气工业株式会社的共同研究项目“块体纳米热电材料制作相关研究”,2014-2014年。
在国际著名学术期刊发表论文48篇,包括Acta Mater.,Scripta Mater.,Sci. Rep.等。发明专利2项,并担任Intermetallics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Physica Status Solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,Vacuum, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics等杂志审稿人。
1. L. Wu, Y. Li, K. Yubuta, A. He, Y. Zhang, and W. Zhang*. Optimization of the structure and soft magnetic properties of a Fe87B13 nanocrystalline alloy by additions of Cu and Nb [J], J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 497 (2020) 166001.
2. F. Hu, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Shen, G. Zhang, Y. Pan, J. T. Miller, K. Wang, S. Zhu, X. Yang, C. Wang, X. Wu*, Y. Xiong*, and Z Peng*. Designing Highly Efficient and Long-Term Durable Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution by Coupling B and P into Amorphous Porous NiFe-Based Material [J]. Small, 15 (2019) 1901020.
3. Liang X., P. Sharma*, Y. Zhang, A Makino and H. Kato. Nano-imprinting potential of magnetic FeCo-based metallic glass [J]. Nanotechnology, 30 (2019) 305302.
4. F. Hu#, Y. Zhang#, X. Shen, J. Tao, X. Yang, Y. Xiong, and Z. Peng*. Porous amorphous NiFeOx/NiFeP framework with dual electrocatalytic functions for water electrolysis [J]. J. Power Sources, 428 (2019) 76-81.
5. B. Miao, Q. Luo*, C. Chang, T. Liu, Y. Zhang*, and J. Shen. Effect of Co addition and annealing conditions on the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline FeCoSiBPCu ribbons [J]. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 477 (2019) 156-161.
6. X. Jia, Y. Li, L. Wu, Y. Zhang, L. Xie, and W. Zhang*. The role of Cu content on structure and magnetic properties of Fe–Si–B–P–Cu nanocrystalline alloys [J]. J. Mater. Sci., 54 (2019) 4400-4408.
7. Y. Wang*, Yan Zhang, Y. Kawazoe, J. Shen, and C. Cao. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of nano-crystallization of Fe-based amorphous alloys with early transition metals [J]. Chin. Phys. B, 27 (2018) 116401.
8. L. Jiang, Y. Zhang*, X. Tong, T. Suzuki, and A. Makino. Unique influence of heating rate on the magnetic softness of Fe81.5Si0.5B4.5P11Cu0.5C2 nanocrystalline alloy [J]. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 471 (2019) 148-152.
9. T. Suzuki*, P. Sharma, L. Jiang, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Fabrication and Properties of Under 10 μm Sized Amorphous Powders of High Bs Soft Magnetic Alloy for High-Frequency Applications [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 54 (2018) 2801705.
10. P. Sharma*, S. Okamoto, H. Tajiri, K. Sato, Y. Zhang, O. Kitakami, and A. Makino. Confirmation of Hard Magnetic L10 FeNi Phase Precipitated in FeNiSiBPCu Alloy by Anomalous X-Ray Diffraction [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 54 (2018) 2101705.
11. C. Fu, J. Qu, Z. Dan*, F. Qin*, Y. Zhang, N. Hara, H. Chang, and L. Zhou. Enhanced Redox properties of amorphous Fe63.3-83.3Co0-20Si4B8P4Cu0.7 alloys via long-term CV cycling [J]. J. Alloys Compd., 751 (2018) 349-358.
12. Y. Zhang#*, Y. Wang#*, and A. Makino. Structural and magnetic properties on the Fe-B-P-Cu-W nano-crystalline alloy system [J]. AIP Adv., 8 (2018) 047703.
13. Y. Wang#*, Y. Zhang#*, A. Makino, and Y. Kawazoe. First principle study on the Si effect in the Fe-based soft magnetic nano-crystalline alloys [J]. J. Alloys Compd., 730 (2018) 196-200.
14. P. Sharma*, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Magnetic properties of L10 FeNi phase developed through annealing of an amorphous alloy [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 53 (2017) 2100910.
15. F. Hu*, S. Zhu, S. Chen, Y. Li, L. Ma, T. Wu, Y. Zhang, C. Wang, C. Liu, X. Yang, L. Song, X. Yang*, and Y. Xiong*. Amorphous Metallic NiFeP A Conductive Bulk Material Achieving High Activity for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Both Alkaline and Acidic Media [J]. Adv. Mater., 1606570 (2017) 1-9.
16. Y. Zhang#*, P. Sharma#*, and A. Makino. Effects of minor precipitation of large size crystals on magnetic properties of Fe-Co-Si-B-P-Cu alloy [J]. J. Alloys Compd., 709 (2017) 663-667.
17. A. Takeuchi*, K. Takenaka, Y. Zhang, Y.C. Wang and A. Makino. Stress-Enhanced Transformations from Hypothetical B2 to Stable L10 and Amorphous to fcc Phases in Fe50Ni50 Binary Alloy by Molecular Dynamic Simulations [J]. Mater. Trans., 58 (2017) 646-654.
18. A. Takeuchi*, T. Wada, and Y. Zhang. MnFeNiCuPt and MnFeNiCuCo high-entropy alloys designed based on L10 structure in Pettifor map for binary compounds [J]. Intermetallics, 82 (2017) 107-115.
19. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang*, A. Takeuchi, A. Makino, and Y. Kawazoe. Investigation on the crystallization mechanism difference between FINEMETR and NANOMETR type Fe-based soft magnetic amorphous alloys [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 120 (2016) 145102.
20. Z. Dan*, F. Qin, Y. Zhang, A. Makino, H. Chang, N. Hara. Mechanism of active dissolution of nanocrystalline Fe-Si-B-P-Cu soft magnetic alloys [J]. Mater. Charact., 121 (2016) 9-16.
21. K. Sato*, P. Sharma, Y. Zhang, K. Takenaka, and A. Makino. Crystallization induced ordering of hard magnetic L10 phase in melt-spun FeNi based ribbons [J]. AIP Adv., 6 (2016) 055218.
22. Z. Dan*, Y. Zhang*, A. Takeuchi, N. Hara, F. Qin, A. Makino, H. Chang. Effect of substitution of Cu by Au and Ag on nanocrystallization behavior of Fe83.3Si4B8P4Cu0.7 soft magnetic alloy [J]. J. Alloys Compd., 683 (2016) 263-270.
23. J. Luan, P. Sharma*, N. Yodoshi, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Mechanically strong nanocrystalline Fe-Si-B-P-Cu soft magnetic powder cores utilizing magnetic metallic glass as a binder [J]. AIP Adv., 6 (2016) 055934.
24. A. Makino*, P. Sharma*, K. Sato, A. Takeuchi, Y. Zhang, and K. Takenaka. Artificially produced rare-earth free cosmic magnet [J]. Sci. Rep., 5 (2015) 16627.
25. M. Nishijima*, M. Matsuura, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Observation of Cu nanometre scale clusters formed in Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy by a spherical aberration [J]. Phil. Mag. Lett., 95 (2015) 277-284.
26. Y. Wang*, Y. Zhang, A. Takeuchi, A. Makino, Y. Liang, and Y. Kawazoe. Magnetic influence of alloying elements in Fe rich amorphous alloys studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 51 (2015) 2006504.
27. A. Takeuchi*, Y. Zhang, K. Takenaka, and A. Makino. Thermodynamic Analysis of Binary Fe85B15 to Quinary Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 Alloys for Primary Crystallizations of α-Fe in Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 117 (2015) 17B737.
28. Y. Zhang*, P. Sharma, N. Yodoshi, and A. Makino. Production of a magnetic material with the ability to change from very soft to semi-hard magnetic [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 117 (2015) 17E507.
29. Y. Zhang*, P. Sharma, and A. Makino. Production and Properties of Soft Magnetic Cores Made from Fe-rich FeSiBPCu Powders [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 51 (2015) 2800104.
30. Y. Wang*, Y. Zhang, A. Takeuchi, A. Makino, Y. Liang, and Y. Kawazoe. First-principle simulation on the crystallization tendency and enhanced magnetization of Fe76B19P5 amorphous alloy [J]. Mater. Res. Express, 2 (2015) 016506.
31. K. Takenaka*, A. D. Setyawan, Y. Zhang, P. Sharma, N. Nishiyama, and A. Makino. Production of Nanocrystalline (Fe, Co)-Si-B-P-Cu Alloy with Excellent Soft Magnetic Properties for Commercial Application [J]. Mater. Trans., 56 (2015) 372-376.
32. Y. Zhang*, P. Sharma, and A. Makino. Fe-Rich Fe-Si-B-P-Cu Powder Cores for High-Frequency Power Electronic Applications [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2014) 2006804.
33. P. Sharma*, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Competition driven nano-crystallization in high Bs and low coreloss Fe-Si-B-P-Cu soft magnetic alloys [J]. Scripta Mater., 95 (2015) 3-6.
34. G. Yang, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Miniaturized planar antenna with NANOMET powder cores for the VHF band application [P]. 20150716, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, DOI: 10.1109/INTMAG.2015.7157333.
35. Y. Zhang, P. Sharma, and A. Makino. Upper limit for the simultaneous existence of high Bs and low Hc in nanocrystalline FeCoSiBPCu alloys [P]. 20150716, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, DOI: 10.1109/INTMAG.2015.7157158.
36. Z. Dan*, K. Takenaka, Y. Zhang, S. Unami, A. Takeuchi, N. Hara, and A. Makino. Effect of Si addition on the corrosion properties of amorphous Fe-based soft magnetic alloys [J]. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 402 (2014) 36-43.
37. M. Nishijima*, M. Matsuura, Y. Zhang, K. Takenaka, and A. Makino. X-Ray Absorption Studies of Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 Alloy [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2014) 2004004.
38. M. Matsuura*, Y. Zhang, M. Nishijima, and A. Makino. Role of P in Nanocrystallization of Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2014) 2003304.
39. Y. Wang*, Y. Zhang, A. Makino, Y. Liang, and Y. Kawazoe. Structural and Magnetic Study of Fe76Si9B10P5 Metallic Glass by First Principle Simulation [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2014) 2003704.
40. Y. Zhang*,P. Sharma, and A. Makino. Effects of Cobalt Addition in Nano-crystalline Fe83.3Si4B8P4Cu0.7 Soft Magnetic Alloy [J]. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2014) 2003004.
41. P. Sharma*, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and A. Makino. Influence of microstructure on soft magnetic properties of low coreloss and high Bs Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 nanocrystalline alloy [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 115 (2014) 17A340.
42. Y. Zhang*, P. Sharma, and A. Makino, “Sintered magnetic cores of high Bs Fe84.3Si4B8P3Cu0.7 nano-crystalline alloy with a lamellar microstructure [J]. J. Appl. Phys., 115 (2014) 17A322.
43. Y.R. Wen, Y.P. Li, A. Hirata, Y. Zhang, T. Fujita, T. Furuhara, C.T. Liu, A. Chiba, and M.W. Chen*. Synergistic alloying effect on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Cu precipitation-strengthened ferritic alloys [J]. Acta Mater., 61 (2013) 7726-7740.
44. Y. Zhang, P. Sharma*, and A. Makino. Sintered powder cores of high Bs and low core loss Fe84.3Si4B8P3Cu0.7 nano-crystalline alloy [J]. AIP Adv., 3 (2013) 062118.
45. Z. Dan*, Y. Yamada, Y. Zhang, M. Nishijima, N. Hara, H. Matsumoto, and A. Makino. Electrochemical Behavior of Annealed Soft-Magnetic Fe-Si-B-P-Cu Alloy [J]. Mater. Trans., 54 (2013) 561-565.
46. Y. Zhang*, Y.R. Wen, and A. Makino. Fabrication of Nanocrystalline Fe84.3Si4B8P3Cu0.7 Powders with High Magnetization [J]. Key Eng. Mater., 508 (2012) 133-140.
47. X. Li*, Y. Zhang, H. Kato, A. Makino, and A. Inoue. The effect of Co addition on glassy forming ability and soft magnetic properties of Fe-Si-B-P bulk metallic glass [J]. Key Eng. Mater., 508 (2012) 112-116.
48. Y. Zhang*, P. Sharma, and A. Makino. Spark Plasma Sintering of Soft Magnetic Fe-Si-B-P-Cu Nanocrystalline Alloy in the Form of Magnetic Cores [J]. Mater. Trans., 52 (2011) 2254-2257.
1. 牧野彰宏、SHARMA PARMANAND、张岩、西山信行、竹中佳生. 合金组成、Fe基纳米晶合金薄带、Fe基纳米晶合金粉末及磁性部品:日本发明专利,JPA_2015157999,2015-09-03. (已授权)。
2. 牧野彰宏、SHARMA PARMANAND、张岩、吉年規治,压粉磁芯的制造方法及压粉磁芯:日本发明专利,JPA_2017034105,2017-02-09.